Yep, this dress wore me out a little, but I’ll still kinda wear it. I’ve had this pattern for a while, and you know I like anything with inseam pockets, so I was just waiting to find what I wanted to make it with. Now I’ve had this plaid/check fabric (hard to see, but click to enlarge images) I purchased from Denver fabrics for 2 years. I’ve always wanted to try using more than 1 color combinations, so this pattern S2888 seemed perfect!
But first, … let me rewind. I’ve actually attempted this combo before earlier this year with this pattern by vogue…
But first, … let me rewind. I’ve actually attempted this combo before earlier this year with this pattern by vogue…
It’s V8633 and I love that vintage look,…. but some how I goofed in several places. Can you see in this pic?
At first glance maybe not, but look closely at the hip area, wth!! I ‘m still scratching my head,
and the shoulders…..
(Click to enlarge)
It’s like I’m lopsided or something, after I put in the zip, well anywho.
Basically it didn’t work out :-( I had some really major fit issues everywhere, so needless to say, it’s somewhere balled up @ the back of my closet.
Basically it didn’t work out :-( I had some really major fit issues everywhere, so needless to say, it’s somewhere balled up @ the back of my closet.
I couldn't give up on the color combo, so I tried it again with this pattern, here’s the first shot.
Okay, not too bad @ 1st glance but…. once again, somehow I goofed in my alteration process. First off I made a FBA,

But in the process I also altered the waistline part, to match up to the bodice, and boy is it big and shapeless!! I didn't pay much attention to it thru the whole construction process either, lol.
Until I tried it on, after I completely finished the dress. Yes, I can go back and rip the seams apart to make it fit underneath the breast more better but @ this point….no! Maybe later, when I can figure out exactly what to do. But for the time being , I ‘ll still kinda wear it…. lol.
Oh, and I’m not giving up on V8633 just yet, I do like the idea of trying it in yellow and black.
Til the next dilemma, lol
Til the next dilemma, lol