It's great to get back to blogging, let me dust around this place and move some things around, whew... much better, lol. Oh wow, some serious time has passed since my last post. I'm still sewing as usual, just not posting. There was soo much going on in my life outside of sewing that needed my immediate attention (Salon Life) that I had to focus on, and owning a salon,... can be challenging.
Anywho, enuff of that,......I'm ready for a new challenge
Yep, nothing like a deadline to get you up and going, after a hiatus huh?
My picks are pretty much, work attire and basically what I love to wear for work! I'm a little behind starting this challenge, but i love when Ms.Faye does these challenges, it motivates me to get a move on so I'm more focused! Plus it takes my mind off other things when I'm sewing. My personal challenges, and I hope I get them done on time are:
I like the view with the pink top, I'm loving the sleeves on this one plus I spotted a similar top in the mall the other day.
I think view A will be appropriate for work.
It's funny, collars give me the blues but I love the way they look, lol. The view in red is where I'm leaning. Maybe in hot pink? I dunno....
I realize the top above this is pretty similar, but I like that this one, has a yoke. None of the shirts I've made has this, however most that I've purchased do. It seems to sit better on my shoulders, so this will be a new one for me, and maybe a tnt.
I like this one because I believe I have this same stripy green/aqua fabric in my stash,
plus no collar, lol.
I've started the process of cutting out all patterns and making adjustments, fortunately few were needed this time.:-) With all the shirts on my lineup, the machine I just purchased should come in handy. My other machines did terrible buttonholes so I purchased
this machine on
I like that it has several buttonholes to chose from, plus it's overall a decent machine for the price.
Well, I guess it's time to get busy, so more is coming soon!